We at LP love diamonds for their incredible sparkle, glimmer, and that undefinable quality that makes them so special.
Diamonds are pretty amazing: not only are they the hardest material on earth, but they also shine like nothing else. So how were these beautiful and rare stones created? It turns out that the making of diamonds is almost just as incredible as the stones themselves! Both natural and lab diamonds are a result of unique processes that must occur in very specific conditions.
Natural diamonds are the oldest and deepest forming gemstone. They were formed approximately 9 million-3.5 billion years ago about 90-435 miles below the earth's surface. Diamonds are created by applying intense heat and pressure to carbon atoms, conditions that only exist at depths impossible for humans to access.
So how do these diamonds get from miles below the surface to being worn on a finger? A special type of volcanic eruption, known as kimberlite eruptions, allows the diamond to be brought close to the earth’s surface without dissolving. The last time these eruptions happened on earth was a very long time ago, when the planet was warmer. Therefore, diamonds are a finite resource – less than 3 percent of these eruptions actually contained diamonds.
The conditions in which diamonds are created and brought to the surface are incredibly unique and rare, just like the stones themselves. We love the idea that we can wear the result of a process that started billions of years ago while we also appreciate their brilliance and sparkle.
Lab grown diamonds have the same chemical, physical, and optical properties as natural diamonds, but they come into the world a little differently (which we still think is super cool!). In the 1950s, scientists found a way to replicate the intense heat and pressure diamonds are subjected to in nature in a lab. The oldest method of growing man-made diamonds is known as High Pressure High Temperature which is exactly what it sounds like! A small diamond seed is subjected to extreme temperatures and pressures inside a chamber. A diamond is created in a matter of a few days or weeks, depending on the desired size. The newest method, Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), unlike HPHT, is a chemical reaction that takes a bit longer, but is more precise. Both processes result in the amazing stones we love so much.
It took years of scientific innovation to get us to the lab diamonds we know and love today. When scientists started making diamonds for industrial use no one knew the technology had the potential to make high quality diamonds, but now we are so glad they can! Lab diamonds are a fantastic choice for anyone looking to rock the hardest material on earth!
No matter the type of diamond, the conditions in which they were created are incredibly special, leading to a stone that is unlike any other material on earth. Diamonds are stones that can truly stand the test of time, and of course they never go out of style. We’re a little biased here, but we think you can never go wrong with diamonds! Want to wear these magnificent stones yourself? Check out some of our diamond collections or make an appointment to look at stones in person here!